Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'io.github.shashank1800:com-shahankbhat-recyclergenericadapter:1.4'
To use RecyclerGenericAdapter, instantiate as shown below
val adapter = RecyclerGenericAdapter.Builder<AdapterItemBinding, TestModel>(
R.layout.adapter_item, // layout for adapter
BR.testModel // model variable name which is in xml
recyclerView.adapter = adapter
recyclerView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
AdapterItemBinding is generated for R.layout.adapter_item
, you just have to enable databinding for that.
and since class is generated while building app, you may not see your model name before first
time running build project.
Recycler adapter item R.layout.adapter_item xml.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
type="com.shahankbhat.recycleradapterdemo.model.TestModel" />
type="String" />
type="com.shahankbhat.recycleradapterdemo.viewmodel.MainActivityViewModel" />
To add click listener for any view
val clickListener = Callbacks<AdapterItemBinding, TestModel>()
clickListener.add(CallBackModel( { model, position, binding ->
// is the id of a view
// model : adapter list model
// position : adapter item position
// binding : view binding of adapter item
// We can perform operation on model and binding here and this gets triggered on click of view
Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "Show button clicked at $position", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
val heading = model.heading
model.heading = model.subHeading
model.subHeading = heading
binding.testModel = model
val adapter = RecyclerGenericAdapter.Builder<AdapterItemBinding, TestModel>(R.layout.adapter_item, BR.testModel)
While initializing adapter we declared model as testModel, so it binds list data to xml testModel. Data variables can used to set the value of views in xml and also if you want to manipulate data or want to set data after performing operation bit on model you can make use of static data bindings adapter methods, that’s where you can perform operation on model and set data to views.
Also if you want to set more bindings into adapter item you can set like this.
val adapter = RecyclerGenericAdapter.Builder<AdapterItemBinding, TestModel>(R.layout.adapter_item, BR.testModel)
.setMoreDataBinds(DataBinds().apply {
add(MoreDataBindings(BR.subHead, "Subhead"))
add(MoreDataBindings(BR.viewModel, viewModel))
If you have any questions or doubts feel free to ask it by raising issue. Or wants to contribute send PR to this repo. I’m happy to to hear your suggestions.
⭐ mark this repo, if this was useful or want to use it later. Thanks😊.